The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
Reunion Photos and News from
by Sharon (Burkett) Fleming
The Texas Burkett’s (with a few out-of-state visitors) met on Saturday, September 10, 2005. Goldthwaite, TX was again the site of the Reunion that has been going on for many years. We were a little short on relatives this year; whether due to the extremely high gas prices or Hurricane Katrina it was hard to say! There were also a couple of health crises going on and we would ask you to keep Elam Miles and Della Lou (Burkett) Geeslin in your prayers.
There were about 20 in attendance ranging from 87 year old Burkett Massey to 2 year old Jonathan Fisher Burkett! A great time was had by all and plans are in the making to change this reunion from the “Mills County” Burketts to the Texas Burkett Reunion to encompass every Burkett we can contact! More information on that will be forthcoming soon.
We also were fortunate to have a basket made by Kat and Verdi Andrews to present to a lucky winner. He turned out to be Bob Massey from Shreveport, LA. Bob is Burkett Massey’s son. Thank you so much Kat and Verdi for sharing your talents with the Texas bunch!
We were saddened by not having Oliver and Audy with us this year. Oliver and Audy have been with us for the last several years. This year both just were unable to attend but Oliver sent the best possible replacements….Buddy and Jo Anna Burkett from Huntsville, AL. We all enjoyed visiting with them and really are planning for them to return for next year’s reunion. If you haven’t had a chance to meet Buddy and Jo Anna, you are in for a treat! Oliver told me I would love them, and I did!
We did get a lot of family history discussed and met some folks we had not met before. Jeremy J. Burkett, (Joe Pat Burkett’s son, Jake Burkett’s grandson, Edgar Burkett’s great-grandson) and his girlfriend, Cindy McDonald, from Los Angeles, CA flew in just for this event. We were proud to have them take the time and expense to attend. I think there were several email addresses exchanged and the family history will be flying over the internet soon!
Be watching this site for more information on a newer, larger TEXAS BURKETT REUNION for 2006!
Have a wonderful day!
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